Palgue 7, 8 of Tae Kwon Do Hyung "Black Belt Requirements"

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Palgue 7, 8 of Tae Kwon Do Hyung "Black Belt Requirements"


In this third volume, Grandmaster Kim Soo presents the last two of eight Palgue Hyung which students must master to earn a Black Belt. Step-by-step instructions with photographs and foot patterns describe each of the forms.CONTENTS: What is Tak Kyon?, What is Tak Kwon Do?, Historical Background of Tae Kwon Do, Rank Requirements, Target Areas, Palgue 7, Palgue 8, Applied Practical Self-Defense Techniques, Defense and Counter Sparring Techniques, Take Downs, Why Form?, The Parable of Mystery.

This book can be autographed by Grandmaster Kim Soo.

Paperback / 126 pages / Item #BK103

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